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About us

We are passionate engineers, enthusiastic to help our HAM friends develop, productize and maintain advanced non commercial transceivers. With our experience and unparalleled commitment, we transform your dream circuits into full fledged amateur radio products. 

RDvibes provides it's clients the advantage of low cost, superior performing devices.  We also offer product kits and engineering assistance to the passionate HAM radio community.

Our Story

The journey began with LMRv1.0 (Land Mobile Radio), enabling instant and secure daily communication.  After securing a license and call sign, we have started full fledged research and development in improving this base version of LMR.

Today we have around 6 versions which suits our clients with diverse requirements. The focus is constantly on improving the quality of communication and cost optimization.

We build transceiver variants and smart circuits which helps with efficient and easy integration of devices for the HAM radio enthusiasts.

Our Products

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