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LMR 1.6

Updated: May 2, 2023

How to upload hex to STM32F103C8T6

1. Install STM32 ST-LINK Utility

STM32 ST-LINK Utility v4.5.0
Download RAR • 26.47MB

2. Then follow steps as shown below.

3. After the application has been installed, the next step is to connect ST-LINK V2 with STM32F103C8T6 using jumper cables on available ports, there are 4 lines, namely +3V3, SWIO, SWCLK, and Ground. Don't forget to change Jumper position BOOT "0" to "1" for the hex file upload process.

4. Open the application and plug ST-LINK V2 into USB Computer, Select the Target menu and click Connect, if the wiring is correct it will appear on the application screen about the STM32F103C8T6 information that we use.

5. Next Select File and click Open file, the file we enter is a hex extension file (USB_STM32F103C8T6_SI5351_27MHz OK.hex). Next, for the Upload Process, Select Target, click Program & Verify and Click Start to start the Process

6. The upload process has been completed, the BOOT0 jumper can be returned to position 0, STM32F103C8T6 is ready to use........

Install power SDR software from the following link.

Download the following Sdr1kUsb rar file and extract with win rar.

Download RAR • 32KB

Copy dll file from extracted folder and paste to the previously installed power sdr folder, as shown below.

If the following error message pops up in PowerSDR window, that would mean the dll file is not copied correctly.

After the dll file is copied, USB adapter option need to be selected. The following message might pop up if STM32 is not connected to USB port.

Apart from the above mentioned steps, PowerSDR software settings remains same as

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